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active 2 years agoMuch of my time was spent playing Ranger last night Dark And Darker Gold, liked it the best portion, but most likely will continue with Fighter particularly after the Weapon Master change is now only a loss of 10% in power, instead of 20 percent.
However, overall, my complaints are pretty limited…aside from my speculation that there were a handful of hackers, or even just individuals with purple or higher weapons who shot me from near-max health using an attack of one knife on the chest…one of which was one of them was a Wizard in some way.
Today, I’m testing my wizard. To see how bad those changes will be. I think the splash damage is over tuned. But wizard doesn’t really feel as bad. I believe these changes are fair. Not breaking any classes. Make sure to use your abilities slightly more effectively. Light nerfs are big time LuL, but. 8>6 yaokdude.
I commend your commitment to following up on both this as well as the previous thread and posting constantly in response to other people. But there are valid critiques that should be made and addressed. They are not worth wasting your focus on.
For instance, how elementary the combat can be. Combat involves two elements, moving (usually slowly) and shooting at targets that move slowly. for NPC combat, we can add an added element of deflecting slow and telegraphed assaults. None of them are extremely difficult to master, and the fourth is simply tedious. The game could use things.
Similar blocks that don’t require an elaborate understanding of where your 3rd person model (that you aren’t able to see) is situated. Your character instead acts like they have some self-defense system and can position their shield or weapon appropriately.
A slower and more telegraphed attack that bypasses and reverses blocks stunning blocks instead of attackers for them to be open to follow-up Dark And Darker Gold for sale
Devon created the group
Much of my time was spent playing darker 2 years ago