NBA 2K23 has been recently released across all important platforms, including Windows PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5. PlayStation 4. Xbox One NBA 2K23 MT, and Xbox Series X/S. The game has received great excitement by fans due to a variety of new features and modernized technical features such as graphics. Other than some minor glitches The game has had a mostly flawless experience until now.
However, when trying to play the game players have been getting an error message that reads “You’re not allowed to use communication tools. If your guardian or parent has set this restriction, you can write them an request to allow you use communication features just in this instance.” What is that is causing the issue? NBA 2K23 Restricted From Using Communication Features Bug? is there a way to correct it? The answer is right here.
This issue has been reported when players do not have parental restrictions set in the PlayStation devices. The majority of these players gamers aren’t under age anymore So, getting this message has been a jarring experience for lots of NBA 2K23 fans. But why does it happen in the first instance? It’s very simple – this is happening because PSN is down. PlayStation Network is undergoing maintenance. So because PSN has gone down this has caused issues for numerous gaming, NBA 2K23 being one of them.
To fix this Parental issue with NBA 2K23. the only option on your end about this is to just remain patient until PSN is online again and functioning as intended. At present, there’s no public information from PlayStation regarding why this is happening or when PSN is expected to be functioning normally once more. Here’s how you can determine PSN status Buy MT 2K23.