Authorities in Russia’s Dagestan and Chechnya have blocked the Telegram messaging app, citing security concerns. According to a report by Reuters, citing Russian news agency TASS, authorities claim militants and enemies could use the app to coordinate attacks. This ban shows concerns about Telegram’s potential misuse, especially in regions with intensified militant activity.
Notably, Dagestan and Chechnya are located in Russia’s North Caucasus region. The increase in militant activity in both regions is mainly due to the complex interplay of socio-economic, religious, and geopolitical factors. And the surge has raised significant security concerns for both local authorities and the Russian federal government.
Speaking of examples, in June 2024, coordinated assaults targeted a Christian Orthodox church, a synagogue, and police posts in the cities of Makhachkala and Derbent, located in the Dagestan region. In another incident in August 2024, four individuals took hostages in a high-security prison, leading to the deaths of several prison guards.
Additionally, the latest decision also follows incidents like the October 2023 anti-Israel riot at Makhachkala airport in Dagestan, where Telegram channels were reportedly used to organize and provoke violence. However, despite Telegram’s condemnation of the attack and subsequent blocking of involved channels, regional officials have proceeded with the ban, encouraging users to switch to alternative messaging platforms.
Interestingly, Telegram – founded by Russian-born Pavel Durov – has a history of tension with Russian authorities. In 2018, Russia attempted to block the app after it refused to provide encryption keys to the Federal Security Service (FSB), citing user privacy concerns. This led to widespread disruptions as millions of IP addresses were blocked, affecting various online services. The ban was lifted in 2020 after Telegram agreed to assist in investigations related to extremism.
The development comes at a time when in August 2024, Durov was arrested in Paris over allegations that Telegram facilitated illegal activities, including drug trafficking and terrorism. This unusual legal action against a major tech CEO prompted Telegram to enhance its moderation policies and cooperate more closely with law enforcement agencies. In fact, at the start of this year, Telegram reported a significant increase in the number of data requests it has fulfilled for various authorities.
According to the platform’s transparency report, between January and September 2024, Telegram had only responded to 14 data requests from the US, which affected 108 users. However, from October to December 2024, the platform processed around 900 requests from US law enforcement, affecting over 2,250 users.
Meanwhile, despite the pressure faced by the company, it reached a major milestone by becoming profitable in 2024. With around 950 million monthly active users, Telegram reported revenue of over $1 billion in 2024, a substantial increase from nearly $350 million in 2023.
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