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The majority of my time was on Ranger last night, liked it the best part but probably will just continue with Fighter particularly since the Weapon Master change is now just a 10% reduction in power, not 20 percent Dark And Darker Gold.

However, my complaints are fairly limited…aside from my speculation that there were hackers, or even just individuals with purple or higher weapons one-shotting me to near maximum health by the single blow of a knife to the chest…one of them was one of them was a Wizard in some way.

I’m pushing my wizard today. Just to see how bad these changes really are. I believe the splash damage may be over-tuned. The wizard itself doesn’t feel at all. I think these changes are fair. Not breaking any classes. Simply make sure you utilize your abilities slightly more effectively. The light nerf is big time LuL, but. 8>6 yaokdude.

I commend you for maintaining this thread and the other thread and for posting continuously in the face of other posters. But there are valid critiques that need to be heard and addressed that your distracting attention away from.

Like, for example how basic the combat might be. Combat is made up of two abilities, moving (usually slow) and aim at slow moving targets. In the case of NPC combat, we can add an added element of deflecting slow targeted attacks that are telegraphed. None of these are demanding and the third is simply boring. The game could benefit from various things.

Similar blocks that don’t require a highly nuanced understanding of where your third-person model (that you aren’t able to see) is positioned. and instead your character acts as if they’re in self preservation and positions their weapon or shield according to.

A slower and more telegraphed attack which bypasses and reverses blocks striking the blocker, instead of attacker to make them vulnerable to further attack cheap Dark And Darker Gold.

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