Since today morning all iOS users’ iPhones and iPads have been crashing for certain apps due to yet another error in Facebook’s SDK. It is important to note that Facebook has resolved the issue now, only after crashes continued to happen for almost 3 hours. Spotify, Pinterest, Tinder, TikTok, Booksy, and PUBG mobile are some of the apps that were affected.
This sudden crashing was caused because of an error in Facebook Software Development Kit (SDK) which is used by almost all apps across app store for user sign in.
Something similar happened to Facebook’s SDK in May 2020 also. The May disaster was triggered by a new release from Facebook.
Not surprisingly, there were widespread reports and unsatisfactory tweets and comments on social media. Spotify tweeted “We’re aware of some issues right now and are checking them out! We’ll keep you posted.” Facebook also acknowledged the problem “We are aware and investigating an increase in errors on the iOS SDK which is causing some apps to crash,”