Messenger Rooms, the group video calling platform that Facebook announced last month, is now available globally. Interestingly, while ‘Rooms’ was limited to 8 participants when it was announced in April, the same has now be extended to 50 participants.

There’s a slight difference however for users across different geographies, when it comes to accessing the feature. So users in North America can create a room from Facebook while users elsewhere can create Rooms from Messenger. There has been no explanation provided by Facebook behind doing that.

Anyone can be invited to join, and invited folks can join in even if they do not have a Facebook account. Users can start and share rooms on Facebook through News Feed, Groups and Events, so it’s easy for people to drop by. The company will soon add ways to create rooms from Instagram Direct, WhatsApp and Portal, too.

If there are any rooms that have been kept open to you, you’ll see them on your Facebook feed for you to drop in. When you’re invited to a room, you can join from your phone or computer — no need to download anything to get started.

To create your room, make sure to download the latest version of the Facebook and Messenger mobile app from the Apple Store or Google Play Store and the Messenger Desktop app from the Microsoft Store or Mac App Store.


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