Digit, one of India’s fastest growing insuretech platform, is added a star studded duo to their already strong investor list. Cricketing star Virat Kohli and his Bollywood actress wife Anushka Sharma have co-invested 2.2 crores (~$300K) in the digital-only insurance platform. This round came to light through regulatory filings accessed by paper.vc.

The investments are reportedly part of the $84-million fund raising concluded by Digit earlier this year. The insurance platform, which is just three years old, is real close to turning into a unicorn, with current valuation pegged at $870 million.

Digit is a simplified online insurance platform, which provides insurance across a wide spectrum of areas. These include general insurance, motor insurance, health insurance among several other micro insurance plans. The aim is to make insurance experience simplified for consumers. It is a daunting task, considering how notoriously famous insurance agents have become across India.

Virat Kohli, who is currently the captain of India’s national cricket team, has invested 1.73 crore into Digit. Kohli is frequently counted among the richest sportsperson globally. In the year 2019 alone, Forbes reported Kohli’s earnings to be around $25 million from his various engagements. His wife, well known Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma has put in 43 lakh of the amount. Sharma is a rare case of actresses turning into producers and commanding hefty pay for her work. An India Today report in 2017 had estimated the couple’s combined net worth to cross $150 million by 2019.

Digita is backed by Fairfax, among a clutch of other angel investors.


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